Postcards from Santorini Greece’

Postcards from Santorini:


~ Throwback Thursday is a popular trend these days on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, where users post old pictures with the hashtag ‘#tbt’. Throwback Thursday is a way to express nostalgia and revisit fond memories of people, places and events.

~ So here is a post, to relive few beautiful memories of Santorini Greece and something about the Greek coffee culture.

~ Santorini is one of the Cyclades islands in the Aegean Sea. The whitewashed, cubiform houses of its 2 principal towns, Fira and Oia, cling to cliffs above an underwater caldera (crater). They overlook the sea, small islands to the west and beaches made up of black, red and white lava pebbles.

~ When most of the world thinks of Greece, usually what comes to mind are the impressive architectural ruins, the delicious Greek food, the stunning cliff coastlines peppered with bright white and blue Greek houses and resorts and beautiful beaches. We don’t always think about the Greek coffee.

~ Just like in many other parts of Europe, coffee is a key component of Greek culture. One can trace its roots back to several hundred years, while young generation today, still love to hangout in the new, trendiest cafes of the city to enjoy a chilled frappe or espresso.

~In fact, Greece comes at number 15 on the list of top coffee-consuming countries in the world.

~And, just like in any other coffee-drinking world capital, Greece has its own recipe for the perfect cup of coffee.

Concept, Content writing, Art direction, Photography, Photo-editing done by Maham Iftikhar