Cafe review: Black Spring Bookshop

I love to wander around in search of good coffee and creative coffee places. In these treasure hunts I usually come across hidden gems, and my reviews are my humble tributes to all the creative people attached to these places.

Today my review is about Black Spring Bookshop in Florence.



Black Spring is a little arty books and coffee place. The original idea was to cater the needs of book lovers only, but since one can’t separate coffee from books the coffee bar automatically came in. Along with a nice collection of Italian books they have also introduced two types of coffee as well. Cardamom Coffee and Cicoria Coffee.



Cicoria is a kind of herb with its origins in Europe. Cicoria doesn’t fall in the category of coffee but used as a substitute of coffee. So if you want to savor your taste buds with a new flavor of coffee go and try Black Springs.


Via di Camaldoli, 10 Firenze

Concept, Content writing, Art direction, Photography, Photo-editing done by Maham Iftikhar